
“My heart is utterly broken but I am thankful Remy never had to suffer. The moment he raised the flag, we were able to see him out. You guys have been phenomenal and I really can’t describe how much I appreciate it.”
– Nikki, 2018 recipient

When loving pet parent Nikki reached out to Angel’s Watch she stated, “I think you are just the organization I need right now. The past two weeks have been two of the worst in my life”. If you’ve ever loved a pet, you’ve been there. Nikki’s 11 year old boxer, Remy, was her world. One day his health changed rapidly and after a multitude of tests the veterinarian concluded a terminal prognosis. Nikki and her boyfriend agreed that as long as Remy was still eager to be her copilot, her shadow and her biggest fan, they would provide any supportive therapies he needed.

Nikki was 35 weeks pregnant and out of work due to her job being physically dangerous. Her police officer boyfriend was injured in his job and out of work for 6 weeks. They were facing the hardest part of being a pet parent and a financial hardship at the same time. With the help of Angel’s Watch, Nikki was able to have access to complete medical support to provide quality of life to Remy until he let her know it was time to say goodbye in the comfort of their own home.

Michelle Blades